How the Nigeria Family Helper Program Started


When I came to St. Thomas More Parish in 2014, I met Anne and Deacon Jim McLevey who are parishioners of STM parish. During one of our conversations, they told me that they have a charitable organization through which they help poor families in India.


After I shared the experiences of the difficult situation in my community, they enquired from CRA if they could extend help to the poor in Nigeria using the same India Helper Program charitable status. The response was in affirmative, hence with the help of the coordinating team in Canada, we decided to start the Nigeria Family Helper Program on July 6, 2016.

Nigeria Family Helper Program, operates under the umbrella of India Family Helper Program – Canadian Registered Charitable Organization (Registration #888894268 RR 0001 – Catholic Pastoral Centre, P.O. Box 1527, 1531 Grafton Street, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2Y3 Canada.